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Resistant Materials Revision Notes

These notes are made specifically to the IGCSE syllabus and are based on a range of textbooks and websites to give the most comprehensive and consolidated notes you will ever find. Click to review revision notes for each chapter and learn or test your understanding with Quizlets.

Don't forget, these notes also got me to the Top of Hong Kong in DT!

Cinder Blocks

1. Types of Material

  • Understand the physical and working properties of plastics, woods and metals and their applications

Cinder Blocks

2. Smart Material and Modern Material

  • Develop an awareness and understanding of ‘smart’ and modern materials

Cinder Blocks

3. Plastic

Show a working knowledge of the following:

  • Thermoplastics

  • Thermosetting plastics

Cinder Blocks

4. Wood

  • Demonstrate a working knowledge of natural timbers and understand their classification, properties and uses

  • Understand why timber is seasoned and how to care for timber during storage and construction

  • Understand steaming and bending of timbers and have knowledge of adhesives’ curing times and strengths

  • Demonstrate a working knowledge of the following manufactured boards

  • Understand the advantages and disadvantages of working with manufactured boards compared with solid wood

Cinder Blocks

5. Composites

Show an understanding of the term composite and be aware of the practical applications for each of the following composite materials:

  • Kevlar®

  • Carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP)

  • Glass reinforced plastic (GRP)

Cinder Blocks

6. Metals

Demonstrate a working knowledge of the following metals:

  • Ferrous metals

  • Non-ferrous metals

Understand how the following processes can change the molecular structure of a material making it more or less suitable for the task it has to perform:

  • Work hardening

  • Annealing all metals

  • Case hardening of mild steel

  • Hardening and tempering tool steel (HCS)

Cinder Blocks

7. Preparation of Material

  • Show knowledge of available market forms, types and sizes

  • Understand methods of cutting

  • Understand the use of datum surfaces/lines/edges

  • Explain the preparation for machine processes and safe methods of securing materials to work surfaces

Cinder Blocks

8. Setting, Measuring, Marking Out, and Testing

  • Measure and/or mark out 

  • Produce datum lines by surface plate and scribing block or calipers

  • Measure using a micrometer, vernier gauge and/or digital caliper

Cinder Blocks

9. Shaping

  • Deforming/reforming

  • Wastage/addition

Cinder Blocks

10. Joining and Assembly

  • Use various methods of fabrication and fitting to join parts of products, permanently or temporarily 

  • Understand the processes of soldering, brazing, welding, riveting/pop riveting 

  • Understand methods of carcase, stool and frame construction using permanent and temporary joints 

  • Use holding devices, formers and jigs

  • Understand the use of knock-down (KD) fittings for use with manufactured boards 

  • Understand where to use a wide range of pre-manufactured components

  • Understand how sizes of screws, nails, nuts and bolts are specified

  • Be aware of a range of different adhesives to join a variety of materials

Cinder Blocks

11. Finishes

  • Understand the preparation for and application of surface treatments 

  • Be aware of a range of different finishes

  • Be aware of surface finishes available for both interior and exterior use 

  • Be aware of the special finishes available that will prevent corrosion or stains, or withstand heat or liquids 

  • Understand the term self-finishing and the processes by which some materials are self-finished 

  • Understand the process of electroplating and anodising

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